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Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Jan 26, 2022

It’s time we recognize that we owe ourselves a round of applause for making it to today!

In spite of the hardships brought about by the pandemic, changes in politics, rising costs of living, among other environmental factors that pile on top of the daily challenges we face…

You are here today, alive and kicking,...

Jan 19, 2022

We applaud everyone who has taken the initiative to search about proper weight loss techniques and about living a healthy lifestyle!

In our fight against obesity and the weight regain problems we’re faced with, it’s truly heart-warming for us to see so many people actively participating in weight loss and...

Jan 12, 2022

“For every person who has something, more will be given; but those who have ‘nothing’, what little they have will be taken away”.

This powerful passage, part of the Parable of The Coins from the book of Luke, remains relevant today!

The number of coins and servants differ from one version of the Bible to...

Jan 5, 2022

Our superiority over other living species on earth lies not in our power to control everything but in our free will.

When God made humans stewards of His creations, we weren’t given extra comic book superpowers nor omnipotence. He knew that our intelligence coupled with the power to choose were enough for us to...