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Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Apr 30, 2019

In this episode, Cari joins me once again to talk about water, the simplest and most basic foundation of all life, and the second biggest factor in weight loss and good health. We are chronically dehydrated in our society, and we've gotten used to it to our detriment.


We will talk about why and how you can cut out all...

Apr 23, 2019

In this episode, my sister Cari will join me to talk about the importance of sleep in weight loss. A lot of people do everything that is necessary to lose weight but they get frustrated when they don’t lose any, and they never realize that the lack of enough sleep is what keeps the weight on.


We will delve deep into...

Apr 16, 2019

In this episode, I will talk about how most us worry about what other people think about us, how crippling that is, and the detrimental impact it has on our overall health.

I’ll use my own real-life experiences to prove to you that you can live a more fulfilled life and achieve better health by ignoring what people...

Apr 9, 2019

In this episode, we will dive into the #3 biggest lie in weight loss, which has kept Americans sick and fat for far too long. We've unfortunately been fooled by thinking this and there is no proof.

Here the shocking truth and the way to fix it.


Key Points Discussed:

  • Three meals and two snacks a day is a no, no...

Apr 2, 2019

On this episode, I’m going to talk about the second biggest lie in weight loss, which is, we get fat when we eat fat or, said another way, we lose weight when we eat low-fat foods. This misconception has been responsible for a lot of fat sick people in society today, and I’m going to debunk it so that you can be...